About Me

My name is Shirley and I help make the menopause and beyond a positive transition. I’m a menopause coach and I have been successfully helping women through this stage of their lives. However, what I noticed whilst working with women, is that at most sessions we end up talking about the men in their life as well. They said that their partners and many of the men around them also seemed to be undergoing changes also, both physically and mentally.

I researched this further and spoke to some GP’s, and they confirmed that yes, the “male menopause” or andropause is definitely “a thing”. Upon learning more about the symptoms of the andropause, I realised I could recognise these symptoms in a number of men that I know. So I decided to set up Man Oh Pause® in order to also help men through this sometimes unsettling period of their lives.

I also discovered that it is still difficult to even find out much information on the “male menopause” or andropause. Whilst most men will not experience a problem as they age, for some the falling levels of testosterone can be a real problem. Unlike women there is no sudden drop in hormones for men, it is a much more gradual process, and so the changes can be less obvious and more subtle. Luckily women are increasingly able to access more information and resources to help them with their menopause, but this is not yet the case with men.

Whilst researching the male menopause I realised many men in their 40’s and 50’s may be experiencing symptoms, and after also talking to some of my male friends, I decided to set up Man Oh Pause® coaching. I now help men going through any stage of the “male menopause”, who may be struggling with stress, confidence/self-esteem issues, or who would like to lose weight and/or stop smoking to assist with a healthier lifestyle.

One of my aims is to help educate and inform both women and men about the menopause/andropause and how it may affect them during this period of their lives, and to provide practical information and offer solutions that help.

I also do presentations to groups about the male and female menopause. I believe talking about these subjects is vital not only to help the individual, but also so that those around them know more and can offer help and support when needed.

Personally I have found going through the menopause much harder than I imagined both physically and mentally. I have struggled to find people, even close friends, who wanted to talk about the menopause and offer support, on what has been a sometimes difficult transition. I also realised it was something I knew very little about, and by doing lots of research, and using many of the NLP and Hypnotherapy techniques I know on myself, it has been key in helping me through this time.

Despite having a diverse background I have always been very interested in the mind/body connection, and recognised early on that a healthy mind is key in having a healthy body.  I trained as a massage therapist a number of years ago.  Whilst doing this I quickly realised how interesting and complex the body/mind connection is, and how important relaxation and stress management are to keeping ourselves healthy.  I went on to train as a qualified practitioner in Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and a number of other holistic therapies, and my own personal self-development journey had begun.  I keep learning and developing my skills, and my fascination with how our minds and bodies work together continues.

In my free time you will find me doing yoga, fitness classes, working out at the gym, meditation (I try to do this daily), walking, or just enjoying the company of family and friends. I also travel as much as possible. This is something I started many years ago and which I still love to do, as there is always somewhere new to explore.

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you, then please contact me to arrange an informal chat.


Shirley Lane


What my clients say…
