Helping with the male menopause (andropause)

Men’s bodies change as they get older and some men have their own equivalent of the menopause.  For most this is not a problem, but for others it may produce symptoms which can often be overlooked or misdiagnosed.  Man Oh Pause® helps you combat these changes.

I help men at all stages of their life (not just the andropause), and work with topics such as confidence and/or self-esteem issues, reducing stress levels, losing weight and stopping smoking to name just a few.

I help you to be the person you want to be.

My Programmes

My Programmes

Everyone is unique and will have their own unique experiences. My programmes are all tailored to the individual so that they meet your exact needs, and you get the best results.

These are delivered via one-to-one private online coaching sessions, either as a one off or as part of a larger programme. Topics that can be covered include coping with changes, self-esteem/confidence issues, losing weight and stopping smoking.

To find out more details please look at my programmes.



As Men’s Health Champion and I aim to help educate and inform men (and women) about the andropause, and provide information on how it may affect both the individuals involved and those around them. 

I also provide practical solutions and suggestions on how to remain healthy before, during and after this phase.

I do presentations to businesses and groups about the andropause/menopause to increase awareness  I also work with busineses, and help companies to introduce/maintain policies, in addition to providing ongoing support for staff if required.

I am also delighted to announce the launch of Whole Body Health, a comprehensive approach to men’s wellness.

I am collaborating with Margaret Bell a Gut Health and Nutrition expert. Together, we aim to motivate and empower men to achieve Whole Body Health by focusing on both their physical and mental well-being.

To find out more about how we support men’s health either in an organisation or individually click the link below,or e-mail me on the via the Get in Touch section.

What my clients say…
